We had another successful Community Invasive Species Dig last night! Thank you to all the enthusiastic volunteers, I am so appreciative of your time. We accomplished even more than I had hoped, with the many massive piles of Multiflora Rose left as an indication of your hard work. The extent of Multiflora Rose growth has been greatly diminished this summer, with the exception of areas that are quite difficult to access.
Another exciting project I have seen completed this week is the application of informative decals on the storm drains by Halifax Water. Over 80 decals were applied throughout the watershed, extending all the way out to Gaston Rd! These decals act as a reminder to ensure only rain water and snow melt end up in the storm drains. During this process, I have learned a lot about proper storm water management. One thing I was surprised to learn was the negative effects that grass clippings from mowing your lawn have on the lake. Grass clippings that are left on the road after mowing will eventually be washed down the storm drain and end up in the lake. I have created a simple infographic to explain how grass clippings can be harmful and encourage everyone to not leave any yard trimmings or grass clippings on the road.
I can’t believe I am entering into my last week as Environmental Remediation Officer, it seems not too long ago that I was writing my first weekly update! Next week, I will be presenting my work from the summer to the Clean Foundation along with other students from across the province involved in the Youth Corps. As well, I am working on a few more educational resources to have completed by the end of the week so stay tuned!
Have a great weekend!